I had my hsg On Wednesday. An hsg is, for those who don't know, an X-ray to determine if the Fallopian tubes are blocked.
I took the day off work, not knowing how I would feel afterwards. Shaved all the goods including the legs which had been several weeks. As a side note, I'm not really sure how to go about talking to my new boss about my infertility issues. Obviously I'm not laying out my life story but when I take days off for testing or if god forbid, iui or ivf, some explanation is warranted. Today I just left it at I'm having a minor procedure done.
But back to my story. Took the day off, had a Valium and some ibuprofen and went to the radiology clinic. Another sidenote, omg, the Valium was wonderful, I was so relaxed and minimally stressed, loved it. Our RE meets us there and greets us. It's comforting knowing he recognizes us and takes the time to say hi. He even allows Dave to come in for the procedure.
So I get gussied up n a hospital gown, hop up n the X-ray table with my naked ass for all to see and spread my legs to get this over with. I awkwardly leave my flats on, making a mental note to next time wear socks. With Dave looking on, my RE puts a speculum in and clicks my cervix open. Then he takes a sponge and cleans my cervix and then wipes it down with a cotton ball. It hurts like a bitch and I watch Dave watch me. Then a catheter with a small balloon is put in me. He inflates the balloon which is a lot of pressure, almost like I have to poop. I feel my body tense out of discomfort and fear and I close my eyes and focus on the breathing. My RE makes some comment that my Fallopian tubes are beautiful, no sign of blockage and its over! It's a relief knowing theres nothing to worry about on that end. After that I had bad cramps for like 30 minutes and was done. Not bad.
So the plan is try for three more months and then amp it up to clomid. The thing is I think a big part is I have a short luteal phase. 10 days or less indicates a luteal phase issue and isn't enough time for an embryo to implant. By temping, my luteal phase is on average 9 days. I didn't bring it up to my RE because he thinks temping is crap, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do long term. Fr now I'm taking b6 in an attempt to lengthen my luteal phase. Hoping this works.
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