Friday, August 2, 2013

Ovaries why u no ovulate?!?

Ugh, just ovulate already bitches!

I don't think it's in the cards this cycle, considering this cycle is now on day 58.  I'm annoyed and disheartened.  And tired of sex.  After at a minimum having sex every other day, I'm over it.  Sex has lost its fun 90% of the time and is mostly just a part of the bedtime routine.  brush teeth, take meds, have sex, go to sleep.  I have been super vigilant about charting, which Ive found makes me less stressed.  My body keeps gearing up to ovulate but then nothing happens.

I do keep having waves of sadness, which keeps getting more pronounced as more people announce their pregnancies.  There was a beautiful blog entry by one of the bloggers I read, about infertility and the desire to be pregnant- Check her out.  She adopted her son from Russia last Thanksgiving and recently decided to begin infertility treatments for her second child.

So I've resigned myself that clomid is our next option.  I think my RE wants to do iui with it. Like I said in my previous entry, I feel like a bit of a failure that my body isn't ovulating, and I'm terrified of  the clomid s side effects. I talked with Dave about where he was and how he feels our next step should be. He is ready as well to move onto something else.

Next entry is going to be more positive, I promise!

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