Saturday, September 14, 2013


Fuck I'm so sick of salad! But I'm over halfway there.  I can do this.  I will do this.   My goal this week is to try and get into the single digits for how many pounds I have left to go.

The RE prescribed progesterone to start my period.  I had to take it for 12 days and hopefully it would induce.  And sure enough it did. There were no side effects for me.  The first day I was extremely nauseous but then it was totally fine.  Period was normal and everything.

 I'm hoping that even with this 10 pound loss it will kick my body back into gear and start ovulating a bit better.  I'm going to keep pushing myself to work as hard as I can to make this weight go away.  Seeing results has really helped, but I'm trying to not obsess.  One more pound and it will be the lowest I have weighed in maybe 2 years?  I will do this, for myself, and for my future.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Here we are, a week and a half later.  After writing my last post I was pretty upset at myself and defeated.  I had a long talk with Dave and realized that there was no ifs, ands or buts.  I needed to get moving.

So 9 days later I'm five pounds lighter.  Dave is an awesome motivator and is always cheering me on.  We exercising every single day at a minimum 40 minutes a day.  I walk the dog every night, drink more water, and have cut out our weekly Friday night candy run and eating fruit and veggies.

15 pounds seems doable.  20 was daunting and impossible.  But 15, I can do.  I'm hoping I can keep up this pace for the next six weeks.  Here's hoping